Sunday, April 24, 2011

Cams Out Cams In (Part II - Installation)

Original decal that accompanies the cams
Finally I had the JUN cams installed just yesterday at Riverview Auto. It was an unexpectedly fast job as I think the mechanics there should be all zai liao, with all the rest of the Cams group buy customers rushing there for installation one week back upon getting the cams!

Original stock cams still in place

After the installation was completed, the car overall feels much torquier and very much willing to rev!

However the last part of the puzzle is still missing and that is the part on re-tuning the parameters for the Unichip. Right now the car drives pretty much ok, albeit with jerky move off from Gear 1 and 2. 

Best part of the installation is the reverberation of the lumpy idle in the cabin while the car is well, at idle. Idle RPM is stable at a slightly higher 900+ rpms as compared to the usual 700+ before the installation.

Can u tell if these are stock or JUN's?

Glimpse of the piston chambers with the cams removal!
Stay tuned for the final part of the Cams installation in the coming week ahead!

Till then....

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